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                 CN Morocco Holiday- DX- Pedition 2009

              Dar Bouzza                              WAG Contest

              20 km south of Casablanca

Hello everybody,
I was on holiday dx-pedition from 15th Oct to 21st Oct 2009 in Dar Bouazza, 20 km south of Casablanca, Morocco. This had the advantage that my XYL may enjoy the warm sun and the Atlantic Ocean while I pursued my hobby. In the Internet I found Andre, HB9HLM/CN2DX, who is living in Dar Bouazza, directly on the beach in a residental community offering an apartment to rent on the top floor including antennas. Andre gave me the contact to Kacem, CN8LR, who helped me to apply for my CN2AW licence. Both supported me very much, especially in the French correspondence.

Welcome in Dar Bouazza 

Sincere thanks to my XYL Monika for her support of my HAM Radio activity and to Andre HB9HLM / CN2DX for the warm hospitality! It was a pleasure to meet Andre with local friends CN8PA, CN8QG, HB9CVC / CN2CV and Abdel Karim at dinner and local drinks. Special thanks to Kacem CN8LR for his support to get the licence! (not on the photo)

Residence Beach House 

This is the Residence Beach House where we rent Andre's flat at the top floor. The access to this property was monitored by guards and we felt quite safe. There were several pools and one with salt-water close to the sea. The ideal location to combine HAM Radio activities with the interest of my XYL and relaxing holidays.

QSL card  

LOG available at ARRL LoTW since 9 Nov 2009! Meanwhile all paper QSLs were sent out!

contest fever
At long last! WAG contest 2009 from CN. The shack is small but nice. There I go! I spent the first half hour on 20m, then switched to 15m where I had a pile-up for about one hour. It was really fun! At night I switched to 40m and 80m in CW. I also made the experience that it was simply faster in CW and the QSO rate increased quite much although I used the Junkers straight-key. So I continued with CW until my arm hurt. Unfortunately, there were no condx on 10m. However, I made 590 QSOs and callsigns like DR800GRZ and DL60CHILD drove me crazy in CW. Finally, I became the "African Champion" in my class and that is a great feeling! I would like to thank all stations who worked! RIG: FT 897 with 100 Watt, antennas: 78m Windom and G5RV, Log: RCKLog, Key: Junkers

CousCous dinner the legendary Ricks Cafe


   © 2009 by DL1DAW •  dl1daw@darc.de